Biographies with PicCollage or ThingLink


Posted by Team2nd | Posted in Student Work | Posted on March 27, 2015

This past week we have been studying the non-fiction genre of Biographies. Each student chose a famous American to research. They completed a graphic organizer and then created a PicCollage. Those who finished early took the PicCollage and app smashed it into ThingLink for a multimedia presentation.

Noah Webster by Benett


Helen Keller by AshlinPicCollage

Helen Keller



Abraham Lincolm by Tristin



Thomas Jefferson by Chase


P.T. Barnum by Jillian

When pt Barnum was a kid he loved to look at strange things<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
Merriweather Lewis by Michael
Ruby Bridges by Madison
Amelia Earhart by Sarah PicCollage

Adult life after high school went<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
John F. Kennedy by Dominc
Louise Pasteur by Makayla PicCollage

Louise Pasteur



George Washington by Garrett




Ben Franklin by Kane



Molly Pitcher by Hazel 



Johnny Appleseed by Ethan PicCollage

Harriet Tubman by Isabella

Comments (2)

Hi, I love the work you have done with your class. I am wondering why you chose to use PicCollage and ThingLink? Are you an Ipad class?

Do you think something similar could be created in word. My class is a device class of windows 8 devices.



Hi Joy,
We are an iPad classroom. We chose PicCollage and Thinglink because they are easy to use and they can be used together. Students who finished their PicCollage early were able to import the PicCollage into Thinglink. And the students who were only able to do a PicCollage still have a really nice product.

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